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How Hormones Can Affect Weight Loss

⚠️ More than one hormone can cause fat storage & weight gain ⚠️⁣⁣




Excessive sugar and carbohydrates intake means more insulin secretion. Overtime, too much insulin in our blood can make us insulin resistant. This is not good because sugar (glucose) from our food is unable to get shuttled into our cells for energy as quickly. The sugar has to go somewhere, so insulin stores it as fat.⁣⁣⁣


💡 Tips - Limit added/refined sugars, eat balanced meals such as snacks containing protein and healthy fats.⁣⁣⁣




When cortisol is high, our body is in a stress response. This means it isn’t digesting food effectively. It also increases our blood sugars, which means more insulin is secreted.⁣⁣⁣


💡 Tips - Decrease daily stress, limit sugar intake, balance any intense exercise with low impact movement⁣⁣⁣.




The thyroid gland is responsible for regulating your body’s metabolism, temperature, and organ function. When there isn’t enough thyroid hormone being released (T3 and T4), energy may be stored as fat.⁣⁣⁣ While the body weight gained from low thyroid isn’t usually more than 5-10 lbs, it’s important to know that an under active thyroid influences the balance of other weight-controlling hormones, especially sex hormones.⁣⁣⁣




Often times after pregnancy, a woman may have more estrogen than progesterone. This triggers the body to store extra fat, specifically in the butt, thighs, hips, and midsection. Hormonal BC can also increase estrogen levels. ⁣⁣⁣


💡 Tips - Reduce stress, avoid highly processed foods with processed soy, avoid eating out of plastic containers with BPA.⁣⁣

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